You will need to update your DNS records to utilize Domain Mapping. Please locate your domain name hosting service (DNS) before setting up your domain.

If you do not know what service manages your domain, please contact your website manager. You can also utilize this tool to determine which DNS provider manages your domain. You can cross-reference the results to determine your DNS login.

Step 1: Update DNS Settings

1. Point your main A Record to the following IP address:

2. Add a CNAME Record with the following settings:

TTL: 1 Hour / Default

3. ONLY AFTER COMPLETING THE PREVIOUS STEPS, enter your custom domain in the field provided, then click “Update Settings” and “Save Changes” at the bottom right of the screen to initiate your domain setup.

Note: It can take up to 24 hours for your new DNS settings to propogate. During this time, your website may be interrupted. It is best to wait until off-peak hours to change your domain settings.

Please email to remove your mapped domain, for any questions regarding your DNS settings, or if your custom domain is not active after 24 hours.